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Home | Heath Care Providers | Introduction

This section is designed for health care professionals to learn more about Vibrio vulnificus infection, its public health impact, and how to diagnose, treat, and prevent infection, especially in high-risk patients.


Vibrio vulnificus is a naturally occurring marine bacterium. It can cause a fulminant and life-threatening illness in patients with the following conditions:

  • Liver disease

  • Alcoholism

  • Diabetes

  • Gastric disorders

  • Cancer


  • Hemochromatosis/hemolytic anemia

  • Chronic renal failure

  • Other conditions that result in immunosuppression

Micrograph of V. vulnificus baterium (Image source CDC/ Janice Haney Carr, via Wikimedia Commons)

Health Care Providers

> Introduction


High-Risk Patients

Modes of Infection


Public Health Impact






Immediate treatment of high-risk patients is necessary to prevent death. Educating high-risk patients about how to avoid infection can save lives.


​Vibrio vulnificus infection can occur from exposing open wounds or sores to seawater or by eating raw or undercooked shellfish, especially oysters.

Symptoms of infection may be vague or include:

  • Gastroenteritis/abdominal pain

  • Fever/chills

  • Hemorrhagic bullous skin lesions on trunk or extremities that develop into necrotic ulcers

  • Septicemia

  • Hypotension

  • Shock


Healthy patients are not at risk for serious illness but may experience severe cellulitis from wound infection or gastroenteritis from eating raw shellfish, especially oysters.

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Page last updated: July 7, 2017

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